Entries in General Management (49)


One-Trick Pony... with a Hammer?

The Merriam-Webster Online dictionary defines the term One-Trick Pony as "one that is skilled in only one area; also one that has success only once." In this posting we are concerned with leaders that are One-Trick Ponies in that they are only skilled in one area.

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The Boeing 787 Dreamliner

There is an article in the February 4, 2013 issue of The New Yorker, “Financial Page: Requiem for a Dreamliner” by James Surowieki. The article is about the problems that have grounded Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The plane is relatively new. There are only fifty of these technological marvels currently in service. Regulators in the US, Japan, and elsewhere have grounded the planes due to two incidents of fires in the lithium-ion batteries that power the braking, air conditioning, and pressurization systems of the aircraft. The plane is bigger, lighter, and made of carbon fiber. It operates on 20% less fuel than its competitors. It is the most exciting and promising new aircraft in history.

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A Bit about Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a technique that should be in the toolbox of any team based activity in business. It can be a critical part of both the innovation and problem solving process.

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The 2013 Supply Chain Challenge

We would like to wish our clients and friends a most happy, healthy, and prosperous 2013! The US and World economies continue to creep forward. No one is satisfied with the pace of recovery. The Great Recession began four years ago and no one can claim we have recovered to the pre-recession glory days of "irrational exuberance." We are, as we at CR Supply Chain have emphasized from the beginning, in a New Normal. We have been in it long enough that it is just the plain old normal now.

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Alphabet Soup

The world is abound with management theories and methods. All one need do is peruse the business aisles of either a brick and mortar or virtual bookstore. Methods, theories, applications, approaches, and systems come and go. Let’s just call them theories for lack of a better term. Management Theories come into and out of favor. Older passe theories may be re-tuned, retreaded, and recycled with a spin nomenclature and nuance to make them seem new and fresh for today. How many ways can management by objectives be recast? How many times has business process engineering or re-engineering been presented? There are countless numbers of new product development processes out there and probably more to come. New theories are promoted as new or revolutionary while structurally and thus essentially they are are equivalent to one or more of their predecessors.

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