Entries in Operations (3)


The Clear Need for Metrics

Anyone versed in Quality Management principles knows the value of a well conceived and managed system of metrics or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to both manage the day-to-day operations and guide continuous improvement efforts. Even if an enterprise does not have a formal continuous improvement effort and no plans to implement one, setting up a system of KPIs is still a very good thing to do.

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Hardcore Purchasing: Not What we Advocate

I had the opportunity this past week to have coffee with Paul Zaleski. Paul's a Director at Cost Reduction Analysts: http://expensereduction.com/analyst/paul-zaleski. He is a very qualified and experience business leader whose current focus is helping small to mid-sized companies determine savings opportunities in both MRO and non-direct expenditures. Companies of any size can easily be spending too much if they are not focused, on constantly assessing the market and looking for opportunities. Smaller companies have less human resources and thus are not doing this assessment and subsequent sourcing work to ensure they are getting the best pricing, service, and quality they can. They are probably leaving a lot of money on the table.

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Obesity and Warehouse Productivity

There is an interesting article in Material Handling and Logistics on June 28, 2013: How to Compensate for Obesity’s Impact on Productivity. The article is worth reading if you manage a warehouse, factory, or other location where the demands on workers are more physical.

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