How are you rewarded?

Last week, Cadent Resources was ranked among the top 100 Supply Chain Providers in the US by Supply & Demand Chain Executive. This year, recipients were selected based on project submissions. We were nominated for a DemandCaster project that helped a customer manage the rising costs of its primary production material.
Frankly, it was a great project—one that really showcased DemandCaster’s capabilities—and we were excited to be recognized for the third consecutive year.
But the award got us to thinking. When we help a customer, what’s the payoff? What’s the reward?
A check in the mail certainly helps, but at the end of the day, isn’t there more? At Cadent Resources, we take that extra step to make sure our customers reach their goals. In the end, our reward comes in the form of their success. That’s a job well-done for us.
Back to the award: This year, Supply & Demand Chain Executive focused on solution providers that assisted customers in achieving supply chain excellence by preparing their supply chains for post-recession growth. That’s pretty close to the way we see ourselves: Partnering with customers to help them achieve their supply chain goals and successfully navigate the uncertainties of business, everyday.
How are you rewarded? When you help your customer achieve a goal—by fulfilling a specific requirement that no one else could fulfill, or meeting a deadline that no one else would meet—how does that make you feel? Moreover, how does your customer feel? Does it change your relationship with your customer.
This award really got us thinking and we bet it will you too!
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