The iPad and DemandCaster - The Perfect Union of Speed and Simplicity!

I have been the happy user of an iPad for the last two months. Every time I use this device I become increasingly impressed with its capability. In particular, I have found it to be a wonderfully powerful tool to use for demo's. It's instant on capability and ease of switching from a slide presentation to a web-demo while standing or sitting at a cramped table makes for a fast and seamless delivery. It can also add an impressive twist to the "So, what do you do" elevator speech.
What I have been most pleased with is how well DemandCaster works with the iPad. I, at one time, thought of building an iPad app for DemandCaster. However, the Safari browser and speed of the iPad make it unecessary. As long as the "remember me" login credentials are set, you can add the DemandCaster bookmark to your iPad home screen, tap to launch and you are off and running almost instantaneously. Moving from screen to screen and zooming in on specific areas is a breeze. You can even open and view the downloadable spreadsheets. If you have one of the Office type iPad apps loaded, you can edit spreadsheets and email them for review or input.
If you regularly visit customers and/or suppliers, the iPad is a great option on the road. We all understand that supply chain management is a challenge in this age of volatility. One of the most meaningful ways to address this volatility is to actively collaborate with your customers and suppliers. Since DemandCaster is located in the cloud, you can access the information from any location in the world and communicate with your partners while viewing the same set of information. Yes, a laptop will do the same thing on a larger screen, but the speed, simplicity, and light weight of the iPad makes for an impressive alternative particularly when traveling.
Note: DemandCaster may be configured so your customer or supplier views only their related information. You can even provide them access to log in to view and collaborate in the planning process. More on this in a future post.
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