DemandCaster Updates: 10/25/10

We updated DemandCaster with a few new features this morning:
- Year on year graph view option. This new graph option allows the user to view each years performance in parallel. To enable the view click on the last button on the graph tool bar in the forecast detail page.
- Introduced a new order designation called "Exp. Future Orders." This designation will appear in the suggested orders screen when a new order is suggested to come in prior to another order that is already in process but due to arrive after the suggested need date. This designation will alert the user that such an order exists and should minimize the risk of double entering an order.
- Tagging is a common practice in blogging and CRM. It allows the user to tag an item with a user defined categorization to easily parse data. Until now we provided an easy way to add tags to items either via the Multiple Edit feature or in the options tab of the forecast detail page. We have now introduced an easier way to remove tags via the multiple edit in the selection interface.

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