Entries in Supply Chain Management (46)


Latest Manufacturing Headlines and the PMI

The New York Times published an article in the February 3rd 2014 New York Times: Markets Sink as Manufactuirng Data Weighs on Investors. Stocks on Wall Street slumped on Monday, with the S.&P. 500-stock index hitting its lowest level since October, after weaker-than-expected data on the American factory sector provided investors with the latest reason to book profits. The United States manufacturing sector grew at a slower pace in January as new order growth plunged by the most in 33 years, while spending on construction projects barely rose in December.

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Nine Excess Inventory Management Mistakes

There is an article worth reading in the August 2013 issue of CFO. The article by Gary C. Smith is titled: Nine Inventory Management Mistakes — and One Easy Solution. The Nine Mistakes listed by the author are as follows:

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10PL Logistics?

There is a discussion on the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) Group on LinkedIn. The concept of a 10PL was raised and asked folks what they thought about this concept. There was not much given except for one power point slide that gives a one line definition of each nPL from 1 to 10.

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Small Company Supply Chain Challenges

Smaller companies face the same issues as bigger companies. This applies probably as much or more to the supply chain as any otter function. They have to process orders, ensure quality, solve problems, expedite inbounds and outbounds, and this must all be done at the least possible cost. We have written about the multi-criteria optimization problem that is the Supply Chain. The complexity and trade-offs apply to both $50 billion multi-national corporations and $5 million companies with one office, plant, and warehouse location.

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Reduce the Friction: Lean How to Get the Supply Chain and Finance on the Same Page

CR Supply Chain Managing Director, Mark Gavoor, will be presenting a webinar on Wednesday June 5th at 1 pm CDT. The organization hosting it is Proformative: The Largest Community of Corporate Finance Professionals. It is a free organization. In our short dealings with them, we are impressed with professionalism. The Title: Reduce the Friction: Learn How to Get Supply Chain and Finance on the Same Page

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