Entries in Continuous Improvement (9)


State of the Supply Chain Union - Part 2

This is a follow-up to our State of the Supply Chain Union blog from late February. In this blog, we talked about three interrelated issues that American companies are facing these days. Too much work and too few people. [1] Loss of process and process improvement focus. [2] Not understanding and fully communicating the capabilities of the supply chain. [3] We continue to hear evidence and examples of these issues preventing companies from achieving their full potential.

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More Deming: System of Profound Knowledge

After the airing of the NBC White Paper, "If Japan Can... Why Can't We?, on June 24, 1980, W. Edwards Deming quickly went from an obscure quality and statistical consultant to a vertible business celebrity. Because of that White Paper, Ford Motor Company engaged Deming to help them improve. Ford was incurring billions in losses. Product quality at Ford was lacking both poor quality design, poor production quality. and poor product reliability. Deming is credited with contributing to Ford's improvement to become the most profitable US based auto company in a few short years.

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Quality Improvement Dilemma?

There is indeed a Quality improvement dilemma in many organizations. This dilemma is faced by organizations that need Quality improvement the most. It is simply stated: We need to improve, but there is no time. We are too busy fighting fires. You have heard it hundreds of times. You may have uttered this very statement hundreds of times. It is both true and false.

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"Say... Look what THEY'RE doing."

Gary Larson is one smart fellow. We have always liked his cartoons and used them in various training sessions and presentations. His cartoons are very funny and full of insights. This combination is why we believe that Gary Larson is a comic genius.

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