Entries in Change Management (13)


Alphabet Soup

The world is abound with management theories and methods. All one need do is peruse the business aisles of either a brick and mortar or virtual bookstore. Methods, theories, applications, approaches, and systems come and go. Let’s just call them theories for lack of a better term. Management Theories come into and out of favor. Older passe theories may be re-tuned, retreaded, and recycled with a spin nomenclature and nuance to make them seem new and fresh for today. How many ways can management by objectives be recast? How many times has business process engineering or re-engineering been presented? There are countless numbers of new product development processes out there and probably more to come. New theories are promoted as new or revolutionary while structurally and thus essentially they are are equivalent to one or more of their predecessors.

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Right Shoring

A recent issue of American Shipper had the two word title: Right Shoring. These two words said it all. There was almost no need for the the subtitle "Global cost structures have manufacturers re-evaluating outsourcing phenomenon." It had to come. In the pendulum world of business fads and phenomenon, we could not Out-Source jobs fast enough in the earlier years of this century. It goes without saying that we did it with gusto and apparently to excess. We created that “giant sucking sound” that H. Ross Perot said during a presidential debate in 1992 and was summarily lampooned for. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rkgx1C_S6ls

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The Half-Life of Category Killers


Tending the Organizational Garden


Be a Great Supply Chain Leader:  Simplify