Entries by Mark Gavoor (164)


Nine Excess Inventory Management Mistakes

There is an article worth reading in the August 2013 issue of CFO. The article by Gary C. Smith is titled: Nine Inventory Management Mistakes — and One Easy Solution. The Nine Mistakes listed by the author are as follows:

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Oracle Big Data at Work Seminar

Big Data Analysis or Large Data Analytics is a topic and emerging discipline that has a significant amount of buzz around it. The basic principle and goal is simple. With most businesses operating on stable ERP systems, such as Oracle, they have amassed a wealth, an incredible amount of data. Beyond basic functional reporting, the goal of Big Data Analysis is to see how this data can be used to to gain deeper insights into almost any aspect of the business to drive increases in revenues and productivity. The goal is to turn the massive amounts of data into information that can help drive the the business faster and in new directions. Note that we are not talking about a mountain of data but more like a mountain range of data.

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10PL Logistics?

There is a discussion on the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) Group on LinkedIn. The concept of a 10PL was raised and asked folks what they thought about this concept. There was not much given except for one power point slide that gives a one line definition of each nPL from 1 to 10.

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Obesity and Warehouse Productivity

There is an interesting article in Material Handling and Logistics on June 28, 2013: How to Compensate for Obesity’s Impact on Productivity. The article is worth reading if you manage a warehouse, factory, or other location where the demands on workers are more physical.

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Business Forecasting 2013 Predictive Intelligence Summit

On June 24 and 25, there was a conference in Chicago. It was the Business Forecasting 2013 Predictive Intelligence Summit. There were four hundred attendees to hear 25 thought leaders in the industry. CR Supply Chain Consulting was well represented at the Summit by Mark Gavoor, Managing Director of CR Supply Chain Consulting, and Ara Surenian, President of our sister company Cadent Resources, Inc. Both spoke on Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP). Both are experts in implementing and optimizing S&OP in smaller companies.

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